C library for MSX
No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAudioDecoderThe audio decoder interface
 CcgpntMSX Structure of CGPNT
 CfontMSX Structure of MSX bitmap fonts (256 pattern x 8x8 pix x 1bpp)
 CMemFileInternal structure of MemFile type
 CMemPosInternal structure of mempos_t type
 CmetaspriteMeta-sprite ; an aggregate of sprites
 COPLL_DeviceDevice interface for OPLL sound chip
 CResourceIndexIndex record of an embedded resource
 CSCC_ChannelDevice interface for a sound channel of SCC/SCC+ sound chip
 CSCC_DeviceDevice interface for SCC/SCC+ sound chip
 CSCC_WaveformThe structure of the SCC/SCC+ 32-byte waveform data register
 Csm2_CelCel - The image of the sprite animation layer
 Csm2_ConfigSM2 Runtime configuration
 Csm2_FrameFrame - The frame of the sprite animation
 Csm2_Frame.cel_idsList of cel numbers for each layer
 Csm2_FrameTagFrameTag - Definition of a range of animation frames
 Csm2_SpriteSprite - Animation state of a sprite
 Csm2_SpriteSheetSpriteSheet - Whole animation frames and cels of a sprite sheet
 Csm2_SpriteSheet.celsList of whole cels
 Csm2_SpriteSheet.framesList of animation frames
 Csnd_EventTrackA special track to control event trigger of tracks
 Csnd_InstrumentInstrument (timbre) table
 Csnd_MusicContainer of a music data
 Cvec_snd_EventTrack[optional] list of all event tracks refered in items
 Cvec_snd_PatternList of patterns (pattern sequence)
 Cvec_snd_SpeedTrack[optional] list of all speed tracks refered in items
 Cvec_snd_TrackList of all tracks refered in items
 Csnd_p_tablePitch bend table
 Csnd_PatternA track pattern, that corresponds to a sub-score of a music
 Csnd_SoundAssetsContainer of list of musics, instruments, arpeggio tables, and period tables
 Csnd_SpeedTrackA special track to control speed of tracks
 Csnd_TrackA fragment of single channel music score
 Csound_clipThe sound clip structure
 Csound_eg_AHDSRParameters for AHDSR envelope generator
 Csound_eg_attributeAttributes of a software envelope generator object
 Csound_eg_LPCMParameters for linear PCM (8-bit, 60Hz) envelope generator
 Csound_fragmentThe sound fragment structure
 CspriteElement of sprite attribute table
 Csprite_colorMSX2 Element of sprite color table (for sprite mode 2)
 CTTY_DeviceTeletype/console device interface for hardware / screen mode abstraction
 Cvdp_cmdParameters for VDP commands