C library for MSX
No Matches
DESIGN NOTE : LA0 - The libmsx audio format 0.

LA0 is a file/data format and its decoder developed for use with "the libmsx audio replayer".

This article describes the LA0 file/data format in detail.

First, the "data format notation" used in this article will be explained, followed by a description of the LA0 file/data format using that notation.

Data format notation

Here is the notation for defining our data format.
This notation itself is described in BNF notation.

::= <identifier> "=" <term>
<term> ::= <identifier> ; name of a variable
| <term> <term> ; sequence of <term>
| "(" <term> ")" ; group of <term>
| <term> "|" <term> ; left-hand <term> or right-hand <term>
| <term> "?" ; 0 or 1 <term>
| <term> "*" ; 0 or more <term>
| <term> "+" ; 1 or more <term>
| "'" "a" "'" ; 8 bit ASCII character 'a'
| <digits> ; number
| <term> ":" <T> ; <term> of type <T>
<comment> ; The characters "//" and up to the end of the
::= "//" <any>* <eol> ; line are comments.

The following table shows the type notation.

‍This is similar to type annotation in the Rust programming language.

type explanation
i&#8288;N N bits signed integer
u&#8288;N N bits unsigned integer
[T;N] N elements array of type T

Note that the byte order of multi-byte integer types such as u16, u32, etc. is little-endian.

LA0 file/data format

= 'L' 'A' '0' ' ' // 4-byte tag.
size:u32 // Size of LA0_SONG_BODY.
= STREAM_INFO // Properties/Attributes of the song.
SCC_WAVE_TABLE? // (optional SCC/SCC+ waveform table)


= rate:u8 // Sampling rate in Hz.
chip_enable:u8 // Using sound chips.
total_samples:u16 // Number of samples in total.
loop_samples:u16 // Number of samples of loop part.
channel_mask:u8 // Using channels of PSG and SCC/SCC+.
0:u8 // (reserved)
= 0:u4 // (reserved)
opll_enable:u1 // 0: disabled, 1: enabled ; OPLL.
psg_enable:u1 // 0: disabled, 1: enabled ; PSG.
scci_enable:u1 // 0: disabled, 1: enabled ; SCC+.
scc_enable:u1 // 0: disabled, 1: enabled ; SCC/SCC+.
= scc_ch_5:u1 // 0: disabled, 1: enabled ; SCC/SCC+ channel #5.
scc_ch_4:u1 // 0: disabled, 1: enabled ; SCC/SCC+ channel #4.
scc_ch_3:u1 // 0: disabled, 1: enabled ; SCC/SCC+ channel #3.
scc_ch_2:u1 // 0: disabled, 1: enabled ; SCC/SCC+ channel #2.
scc_ch_1:u1 // 0: disabled, 1: enabled ; SCC/SCC+ channel #1.
psg_ch_3:u1 // 0: disabled, 1: enabled ; PSG channel #3.
psg_ch_2:u1 // 0: disabled, 1: enabled ; PSG channel #2.
psg_ch_1:u1 // 0: disabled, 1: enabled ; PSG channel #1.

SCC_WAVE_TABLE ; SCC/SCC+ waveform table

= 'S' 'C' 'C' 'W' // 4-byte tag.
size:u32 // Size of waveform table.
waveform:[[i8;32];n] // Waveform table. size = 32 * n. (n <= 256)

The optional SCC_WAVE_TABLE contains one or more 32-byte waveforms (up to 256 entries).

These are refered by index, as operand of the command CMD = 0xfa..0xfe.

See also DICTIONARY section for detail of that command.


= 'S' 'T' 'R' 'M' // 4-byte tag.
size:u32 // Size of SEQUENCE + DICTIONARY
SEQUENCE // Sequence of sample length and offset.
DICTIONARY // Dictionary of dedicated samples.


= size:u32 // Size of SEQUENCE_BODY

The decoder shall track the position of samples in the DICTIONARY. The position is initialized to the head of the DICTIONARY when a song begins.

A pair of length and offset; encoded into the SEQUENCE_BODY; represents length of the next sample and offset from the end of the latest sample to the head of the next sample in the DICTIONARY. The decoder tracks the current position by adding the offset for each sample.

Each length and offset is in 2 byte unit. So if the decoded length was $m$ and offset was $n$, the actual value in bytes are $2m$ and $2n$.

The length and offset are encoded as Elias-Gamma code.

However, Elias-Gamma code encodes a positive integer into a bit-string.

So the non-negative integer length $2m$ in bytes and the signed integer offset $2n$ in bytes are encoded to the EG_LENGTH and EG_OFFSET as follows:

$$ \begin{align} EG_{LENGTH} &= EG(m+1) & (m \geqq 0) \end{align} $$

$$ \begin{align} EG_{OFFSET} &= \begin{cases} EG(|2n|+1) & if \ n \geqq 0 \ EG(|2n|) & if \ n \lt 0 \end{cases} \ \end{align} $$

$$ \begin{align} EG_{ZERO} &= EG(1) \ \end{align} $$


  • $EG_{ZERO}$ is EG_ZERO,
  • $EG(x)$ is Elias-Gamma code of positive integer $x$,
  • $|x|$ is absolute of $x$.

If the length was 0, EG_LENGTH will be EG_ZERO and EG_OFFSET will be omitted.

Finally, if the length of SEQUENCE_BODY is not a multiple of 8 bits, some 0 bits are padded. Therefore, the size of SEQUENCE_BODY is expressed in bytes.


= (CMD:u8 val:u8)+

DICTIONARY is concatnated unique / dedicated SAMPLEs.

A SAMPLE is series of CMD and val pair.

The below table shows CMDs:

CMD val explanation
0x00..0x1f value of register Set to SCC/SCC+ ch.1 Waveform registers.
0x20..0x3f Set to SCC/SCC+ ch.2 Waveform registers.
0x40..0x5f Set to SCC/SCC+ ch.3 Waveform registers.
0x60..0x7f Set to SCC/SCC+ ch.4 Waveform registers.
0x80..0x9f Set to SCC+ ch.5 Waveform registers.
0xa0..0xa1 Set to SCC/SCC+ ch.1 FDR_LO, FDR_HI register.
0xa2..0xa3 Set to SCC/SCC+ ch.2 FDR_LO, FDR_HI register.
0xa4..0xa5 Set to SCC/SCC+ ch.3 FDR_LO, FDR_HI register.
0xa6..0xa7 Set to SCC/SCC+ ch.4 FDR_LO, FDR_HI register.
0xa8..0xa9 Set to SCC/SCC+ ch.5 FDR_LO, FDR_HI register.
0xaa Set to SCC/SCC+ ch.1 Volume register.
0xab Set to SCC/SCC+ ch.2 Volume register.
0xac Set to SCC/SCC+ ch.3 Volume register.
0xad Set to SCC/SCC+ ch.4 Volume register.
0xae Set to SCC/SCC+ ch.5 Volume register.
0xaf Set to SCC/SCC+ Channel mask register.
---------— ----------------— --------------------------------------------------------------—
0xb0..0xb1 value of register Set to PSG ch.1 FDR_LO, FDR_HI register.
0xb2..0xb3 Set to PSG ch.2 FDR_LO, FDR_HI register.
0xb4..0xb5 Set to PSG ch.3 FDR_LO, FDR_HI register.
0xb6 Set to PSG Noise FDR register.
0xb7 Set to PSG Mixer register.
0xb8 Set to PSG ch.1 Volume register.
0xb9 Set to PSG ch.2 Volume register.
0xba Set to PSG ch.3 Volume register.
0xbb..0xbc Set to PSG H/W envelope FDR_LO, FDR_HI register.
0xbd Set to PSG H/W envelope number register.
0xbe (n/a) (reserved)
0xbf (n/a) (reserved)
---------— ----------------— --------------------------------------------------------------—
0xc0..0xc7 value of register Set to OPLL $00..$07 register.
0xc8..0xcd (n/a) (reserved)
0xce value of register Set to OPLL $0e register.
0xcf (n/a) (reserved)
0xd0..0xd8 value of register Set to OPLL $10..$18 register.
0xd9..0xdf (n/a) (reserved)
0xe0..0xe8 value of register Set to OPLL $20..$28 register.
0xe9..0xef (n/a) (reserved)
0xf0..0xf8 value of register Set to OPLL $30..$38 register.
0xf9 (n/a) (reserved)
---------— ----------------— --------------------------------------------------------------—
0xfa index # Copy from SCC_WAVE_TABLE to SCC/SCC+ ch.1 Waveform registers.
0xfb Copy from SCC_WAVE_TABLE to SCC/SCC+ ch.2 Waveform registers.
0xfc Copy from SCC_WAVE_TABLE to SCC/SCC+ ch.3 Waveform registers.
0xfd Copy from SCC_WAVE_TABLE to SCC/SCC+ ch.4 Waveform registers.
0xfe Copy from SCC_WAVE_TABLE to SCC+ ch.5 Waveform registers.
---------— ----------------— --------------------------------------------------------------—
0xff (n/a) (reserved)
