Data types and functions for accessing banked memory.
uint32_t bmemptr_t
Type of an address of banked memory.
bmemptr_t offset
Address of the resource in banked memory.
uint32_t size
Size of the resource.
const char * path
Path / file name of the resource.
const ResourceIndex * resource_find(const char *path)
Find an embedded resource by name.
struct ResourceIndex ResourceIndex
Index record of an embedded resource.
Index record of an embedded resource.
void resource_copy_to_vmem(const char *path, vmemptr_t dst)
Copy a resource in banked memory to VRAM.
void resource_bload_s(const char *path)
Load a BSAVE formatted binary resource in banked memory into VRAM.
uint32_t vmemptr_t
Type for VRAM address.