102#define vec_fields(T) \
104 const size_t length; \
const uint8_t replayRate
Default player frequency that author expecting, in [Hz].
struct snd_Music::vec_snd_Track tracks
struct snd_Music::vec_snd_EventTrack eventTracks
struct snd_Pattern::@1 specialChannels
const uint8_t loopToIndex
pattern index of the beggining of loop.
struct snd_SoundAssets::vec_snd_Instrument instruments
struct snd_Music::vec_snd_SpeedTrack speedTracks
struct snd_Music::vec_snd_Pattern patterns
const uint8_t format_version
Version number of this data format to be used for future compatibility.
const uint8_t isLoop
true if loopback to the loopToIndex at the end of music.
struct snd_SoundAssets::vec_snd_PeriodBend periodBendTables
struct snd_SoundAssets::vec_snd_PitchBend pitchBendTables
struct snd_SoundAssets::vec_snd_Music musics
struct snd_Pattern::@2 channels[3]
uint8_t height
Number of effective lines of track(s).
const uint8_t initialSpeed
default wait count per line [tick].
#define vec(T)
Define a type generic vector (as named struct).
Instrument (timbre) table.
Container of a music data.
A track pattern, that corresponds to a sub-score of a music.
Container of list of musics, instruments, arpeggio tables, and period tables.
Instrument data type for SNDDRV.
Pitch-bend table data type for SNDDRV.
A special track to control event trigger of tracks.
A special track to control speed of tracks.
A fragment of single channel music score.