C library for MSX
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Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 BIOS, Interrupts, Slots, etc.
 BIOS - Basic Input/Output System#include <bios.h>
 System configurationGet the system version, VSYNC frequency, etc
 Inter-slot Read / Write / CallInter-slot Read / Write / Call interface
 Joystick / JoypadJoystick / Joypad interface
 Z80 / R800 CPU modeChange / Get CPU mode
 Interrupts#include <interrupt.h>
 Await interruptsAwait interrupts
 Interrupts handlerPluggable interrupts handler interface
 SleepSleep functions
 State of interruptsGet state of interrupts
 Slot - Individual Address Spaces of devices.#include <slot.h>
 Slot inspectionInspect the slot mechanism of MSX
 XMEM - Inter-memory transfer.#include <xmem.h>
 A part of building blocks for inter-memory transfer, dedicated to Banked Memory access.Building blocks for copying and transferring data between different types of memory devices
 A part of building blocks for inter-memory transfer, dedicated to ROM / RAM access.Building blocks for copying and transferring data between different types of memory devices
 A part of building blocks for inter-memory transfer, dedicated to VRAM access.Building blocks for copying and transferring data between different types of memory devices
 Building blocks for inter-memory transfer.Building blocks for copying and transferring data between different types of memory devices
 Human Interaction Device.
 Input device#include <input.h>
 Joystick / Joypad intefaceGet Joypad button state
 Character User Interface.
 Text output#include <text.h>
 Cursor position, Control characters.Cursor position, Control characters, Clear screen, etc
 Text color, Backdrop colorText color, Background color, Backdrop color
 Text outputSimple print functions
 Teletype/console device.#include <tty.h>
 Teletype/console device interface.Teletype/console device interface for hardware / screen mode abstraction
 Video / Display / Graphics.
 SCREEN mode initialization#include <screen.h>
 TEXT modeInitialization functions for TEXT 1 and 2 mode
 Tiled graphics modeInitialization functions for GRAPHIC 1, 2, and 3 mode
 Bitmap graphics modeInitialization functions for GRAPHIC 4, 5, 6, and 7 mode
 SM2 (Sprite Mode 2) Animated Color Sprites.SM2 module provides APIs for displaying animated multicolor sprites
 SM2 Data TypesSprite, Sprite-sheet, Frame, Cel, and FrameTag
 SM2 initialization for SM2 module.Initialization for SM2 module
 SM2 updates animation state.Updates animation state of Animated Color Sprites
 SM2 display Animated Color Sprites.Display Animated Color Sprites
 Sprites / Meta-Sprites#include <sprite.h>, #include <sprite_color.h>, #include <metasprite.h>
 Meta-sprite interface.Meta-sprite interface
 Sprite attribute tableSprite attribute table interface
 Sprite color tableSprite color table interface
 VDP - Video Display Processor#include <vdp.h>
 Status registersRead from status registers
 Control registersWrite to control registers
 Color registersText and background color in TEXT 1 and 2 mode, and Backdrop color
 Palette registersColor palettes
 Mode registersScreen / Sprite mode setting
 Table base address registersVRAM memory map setting
 Display registersDispalay area adjust / Hardware scroll
 VDP commands (High level APIs)Execute, Stop, and Await VDP commands
 VDP commands (Low level APIs)Write to command registers
 Unsafe primitive functionsUnsafe primitive functions for VDP (Video Display Proccessor) access
 VRAM - Video RAM#include <vmem.h>
 VRAM access interfaceRead / Write VRAM
 Image processing.
 8x8px, 16x16px bitmap image processing.#include <im.h>
 Matrix transformation operators for 8x8px 1bpp bitmap images.
 Boolean operators for 8x8px 1bpp bitmap images.
 Shift operators for 8x8px 1bpp bitmap images.
 Tile-mapping for 8x8px 1bpp bitmap images.
 Matrix transformation operators for 16x16 1bpp sprite patterns.
 Boolean operators for 16x16 1bpp sprite patterns.
 Shift operators for 16x16 1bpp sprite patterns.
 Trimming (Cropping) for 16x16 1bpp sprite patterns.
 RAM/ROM/MegaROM Storage Interface.
 Banked Memory interface for MegaROM.#include <bmem.h>
 Direct access to banked memory by switching page 2.APIs for direct access to 16KiB segments of banked memory
 Reading and copying from banked memory.APIs for indirect access to banked memory
 Banked Memory as a storage of Named Resources.#include <resources.h>
 Stream interface for ROM / RAM / MegaROM.#include <memfile.h>
 Open stream.Open whole or part of memory image as stream
 Check error status of the stream.Check error status of the stream
 Read from the current position of the stream.Read from the current position of the stream
 Get / Set the current position of the stream.Get / Set the current position of the stream
 Audio/Sound drivers.
 The libmsx audio replayer.#include <audio.h>
 The API of the libmsx audio replayer.The API of the libmsx audio replayer
 Decoders for the libmsx audio replayer.Audio/Sound drivers that implements the libmsx audio decoder interfaces
 Effectors for the libmsx audio replayer.Effectors for the libmsx audio replayer
 Unified sound-chip buffer of the libmsx audio replayer.#include <audio_buf.h>
 Callback functions of the libmsx audio replayer.#include <audio_cb.h>
 The audio decoder interface for the libmsx audio replayer.#include <audio_dec.h>
 Sound - Old PSG sound driver#include <sound.h>, #include <sound_eg.h>
 Old PSG sound driver APIsOld PSG sound driver APIs
 Software envelope generator APIsSoftware envelope generator interface
 Sound devices.
 OPLL - YM2413 / MSX-MUSIC#include <opll.h>
 OPLL device interfaceInspect, discover, enable/disable to access registers, of the OPLL sound chip
 OPLL Buffer#include <opll_buf.h> Buffered access to OPLL registers
 PSG - AY-3-8910 / Programmable Sound Generator#include <psg.h>, #include <ay_3_8910.h>
 PSG BufferBuffered access to PSG registers
 PSG registersRead / Write PSG registers
 Konami SCC/SCC+ sound cartridge#include <scc.h>
 SCC/SCC+ device interface#include <scc.h> Inspect, discover, enable/disable to access registers, of the SCC/SCC+ sound chip
 SCC/SCC+ Buffer#include <scc_buf.h> Buffered access to SCC/SCC+ registers
 Predefined waveforms for SCC/SCC+.#include <scc_wav.h> Predefined waveforms for SCC/SCC+
 Compression / Decompression.
 ZX0 data compression#include <ZX0_decompress.h>
 ZX0 decompressor.Decompressor of the ZX0 data compression format version 2