C library for MSX
docs | |
▼ include | |
▼ internal | |
memfile_types.h | |
audio.h | The libmsx audio replayer |
audio_buf.h | Unified sound-chip buffer of the libmsx audio replayer |
audio_cb.h | Callback functions of the libmsx audio replayer |
audio_dec.h | The audio decoder interface for the libmsx audio replayer |
audio_efx_amp.h | The AMP effector |
audio_efx_psg2scc.h | The "PSG to SCC/SCC+" effector |
ay_3_8910.h | Buffer for PSG (AY-3-8910) registers |
bios.h | C language I/F for MSX BIOS routines |
bios_const.h | Constant variables in the MSX BIOS ROM |
bios_entry.h | Assembler entry points for MSX BIOS functions |
bmem.h | Data types and functions for accessing banked memory |
bmem_rd.h | Stream like access functions for Banked Memory |
config.h | Hack for C Compiler portability |
im.h | 8x8px, 16x16px bitmap image processing |
input.h | Input devices such as Joypad, for example |
interrupt.h | Interrupts relevant functions and Pluggable interrupts handler interface |
io.h | Definition of I/O ports |
la0.h | The libmsx audio format 0 (LA0) decoder |
mem_rw.h | Stream like access functions for ROM / RAM |
memfile.h | Stream interface for ROM / RAM / MegaROM |
metasprite.h | Meta-sprite ; an aggregate of sprites |
msx.h | Using #include <msx.h> includes almost all C header files in libmsx , for ease to use |
opll.h | Device interface for MSX-MUSIC (OPLL) |
opll_buf.h | Buffered access to OPLL registers |
psg.h | Device interface for PSG (AY-3-8910) an internal sound chip |
resources.h | Data types and functions for accessing embedded resources |
scc.h | Device interface for Konami SCC/SCC+ sound cartridge |
scc_buf.h | Buffered access to SCC/SCC+ registers |
scc_wav.h | Predefined waveforms for SCC/SCC+ |
screen.h | SCREEN mode initialization function like MSX-BASIC |
slot.h | Utility functions to inspect the slot mechanism of MSX |
snd_i_table.h | Instrument data type for SNDDRV |
snd_p_table.h | Pitch-bend table data type for SNDDRV |
snd_sound.h | Sound / Music data structure for snddrv |
snddrv.h | SNDDRV a PSG sound driver |
sound.h | A PSG sound driver |
sound_eg.h | Software envelope genenator interface for sound.h |
sprite.h | Sprites |
sprite_color.h | Sprite color table interface |
text.h | Utility functions for text ouput |
tty.h | Teletype/console device interface |
vdp.h | Data types and functions for VDP (Video Display Proccessor) access |
vdp_unsafe.h | Unsafe primitive functions for VDP (Video Display Proccessor) access |
vmem.h | Data types and functions for VRAM access |
vmem_rw.h | Stream like access functions for VRAM |
workarea.h | Definitions of MSX SYSTEM Workarea |
xmem.h | Inter-memory transfer functions for ROM / RAM, VRAM, and Banked Memory (MegaROM) |
ZX0_decompress.h | Decompressor of the ZX0 data compression format version 2 |